月: 2023年6月
東京都立大学社会人類学教室とMetropolitan State University of Denver社会学人類学教室とは、2011年以来、教室間交流をしてきました。2、3年に1回、Metro State側から引率教員2名(Su Il Kim先生、Rebecca Forgash先生)と学生が来学し、社会人類学教室の教員・学生と交流しています。
TMU-MSU Denver Anthropology Workshop (東京都立大学社会人類学教室国際交流イベント)
場所:国際交流会館 大会議室
9:30-10:00 Reception
10:00-10:05 Welcoming Remarks by Dr. Sachiko Tanuma
10:05-10:10 Opening Remarks by Dr. Rebecca Forgash
10:10-10:15 Self-introduction of faculty members
10:15-10:30 Nova Kor ‘My experience working at the Museo de las Americas’ (10-minute presentation + 5-minute Q&A)
10:30-11:00 Asuka Tamura ‘Plurality of Self as ‘Dark History’: Adaptation to Hierarchy in Schools’ (25-min presentation + 5-minute Q&A)
5 min. break
11:05-11:35 Katrina Geist ‘Cultivating connection in the Covid era: student experiences in an in-person agroecology internship after experiencing pandemic learning’ (25-min presentation + 5-minute Q&A)
11:35-12:05 Shoko Mori ‘The incompleteness of collaboration and ethnographic practice:
A case study of the exhibition “‘How do you see the world?’: the Art of Almighty God”‘ (25-min presentation + 5-minute Q&A)
12:05-12:15 Raine Barker, Marissa Erickson, Sophie Gordon ‘COVID-19 and Social Connection: A Visual Ethnography’ (Seeking Participants) (8-10 minute explanation of research and request for participants)
12:20-13:30 LUNCH13:30—14:30
Show & Tell (Divide into groups of 4-5 people, show and tell about what they brought. Change the group member once or twice).
14:30-14:37 Overall Comments by Dr. Su Il Kim
14:37-14:45 Closing Remarks by Dr. Masao Ayabe